The next meeting of the BMFA Scotland Area on Zoom, is on Tuesday 9th July, 7 pm.
You need to register for attendance. You click on the link (any time from now until 5 minutes before the meeting), complete and submit the form, you will then receive an email with the meeting joining instructions. Keep that link somewhere you can find it. A reminder will also be sent near the date.
Further info for general membership
Each Area of the BMFA is made up from all the affiliated clubs in the Area, and is managed by the Area Officers.
Ideally each affiliated club should elect or appoint a Club Delegate as the voting rep of his or her club at Area meetings. In practice, any volunteer from an affiliated club can be accepted as club rep, and if there’s only one club member of an affiliated club present, you’re it.
Additional non-voting attendees from a club may contribute to the meeting but only the delegates vote, one vote per club. Clubs, through their delegate, may propose and vote on resolutions, or nominate and elect Officers. A minimum of six Club Reps forms a quorum.
Officers do not vote or propose resolutions, but may make suggestions that club reps may then propose to the meeting. An officer may also happen to be a club rep and vote in that capacity.
Regarding the meeting on 9th July.
At the meeting we will invite nominations for two vacant officer positions, vice-chair and outreach.
The Vice-chairman is the chairman’s stunt-double, and a stand-in if the chairman can’t attend a meeting.
Here’s what I found on the website about Area Outreach Co-ordinator:-
This post forms part of a unique opportunity to shape the future of aeromodelling in our communities through our network of individual members and their clubs by:
- Building and co-ordinating a team to deliver outreach activity in the Area
- Becoming a member of the BMFA Outreach Working Group
- Being the point of contact for the BMFA Office when an outreach opportunity arises in the Area
- Encouraging clubs to run family fun flying days and outreach activities for all.
- Being the point of contact for clubs and members in the Area for advice on running and organising outreach activities.
- Publicising and highlighting events in the area and providing the Outreach Director and BMFA PR team with details of upcoming events and sending brief reports of activities.
- Encouraging outreach activities with community youth groups in the Area
- Encouraging outreach activities with community groups in the area for older people.
further info on the Area activities may be gathered from the Area website
or the Area facebook page
Draft Agenda of Zoom meeting on 9th July at 7pm of BMFA Scotland Area
1) Apologies for Absence
2) Club Attendance and Establishing Voting Strength
3) Minutes of Previous Meeting held on Tuesday 7th May 2024
4) Matters arising
5) Reports from Officers
Chairman. Alasdair Sutherland
Secretary, Andrew Twort
Treasurer Mark Christie
Area Delegate to BMFA Iain Nicol
Competition Secretary Malcolm Balfour
Achievement Scheme Coordinator Andy Pirie
Communications Officer & Webmaster Kenneth Kennedy
Event Coordinator Paul Furze The August Fly In
6) Elections for vacant posts, vice-chairman, Outreach Officer
7) Any other Business
8) Dates of next meetings
Best regards,
Alasdair Sutherland
BMFA Scotland Chairman