The next meeting of the BMFA Scotland Area on Zoom, is on Tuesday 10th September, 7 pm.
You need to register for attendance. You click on the link below (any time from now until 5 minutes before the meeting), complete and submit the form, you will then receive an email with the meeting joining instructions. Keep that link somewhere you can find it. A reminder will also be sent near the date.
It is important that as many BMFA Affiliated clubs in Scotland are represented.
The minutes to the previous meeting can be downloaded from the link below
Please find below the agenda for the meeting.
Kindest Regards
Andrew Twort
BMFA Scotland Area Secretary on behalf of the BMFA Scotland Area Committee.
Agenda of Zoom meeting on 10th Sept at 7pm of BMFA Scotland Area
1) Apologies for Absence .
2) Club Attendance and Establishing Voting Strength.
3) Minutes of Previous Meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2024 distributed.
4) Matters arising
5) Reports from Officers
- Chairman. Alasdair Sutherland
- Vice-chairman. Neil Diment
- Secretary, Andrew Twort
- Treasurer Mark Christie.
- Area Delegate to BMFA Iain Nicol
- Competition Secretary Malcolm Balfour
- Achievement Scheme Coordinator Andy Pirie
- Communications Officer & Webmaster Kenneth Kennedy
- Event Coordinator Paul Furze
6) Elections for vacant posts, Outreach Officer
7) Any other Business
8) Dates of next/future meetings. Tuesdays? How many annually? 4 (minimum in constitution), 6, 12 or whatever? AGM on Wednesday 20th Nov or Tuesday 19th Nov?