Agenda of AGM meeting on 20th Nov at 7 pm of BMFA Scotland Area on Zoom
1) Apologies for Absence.
2) Club Attendance and Establishing Voting Strength.
3) Minutes of Previous AGM held on Wed 22nd Nov 2023.
4) Matters arising.
5) Consideration and adoption of Area financial report, Mark Christie
6) Reports from Officers
Chairman. Alasdair Sutherland
Vice-chairman. Neil Diment
Secretary, Andrew Twort
Area Delegate to BMFA, Iain Nicol
Competition Secretary, Malcolm Balfour
Achievement Scheme Coordinator, Andy Pirie, propose list of ACE, ACI
Drone 1 rep Graham
Communications Officer & Webmaster Kenneth Kennedy
Event Coordinator, Paul Furze stepping down
Country member rep ???
7)Elections for vacant posts, (others continue for second year) * denotes required by constitution
* Chairman
* Secretary
Event Coordinator (not required by constit)
Flying Disciplines Representative (Competition secretary)
Drone 2 (Michael)
Country member rep (not required by constit)
Outreach Officer
8) Dates of next/future meetings.
Agenda of BMFA Scotland Area members’ meeting on 20th Nov to follow after 7pm AGM of BMFA Scotland Area on Zoom
1) Apologies for Absence. (as for AGM?)
2) Club Attendance and Establishing Voting Strength. (as for AGM?)
3) Minutes of Previous Meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2024 distributed.
4) Matters arising
5) Reports from Officers (as delivered already for AGM?)
Chairman. Alasdair Sutherland
Vice-chairman. Neil Diment
Secretary, Andrew Twort
Treasurer Mark Christie.
Area Delegate to BMFA Iain Nicol
Competition Secretary Malcolm Balfour
Achievement Scheme Coordinator Andy Pirie
Communications Officer & Webmaster Kenneth Kennedy
Event Coordinator Paul Furze
6) Any other Business
feedback from membership.
7) Dates of next/future meetings. As discussed at AGM